Hier: Systementwicklung; Softwaremanagement; Softwarepflege; Softwarebewertung; Portabilität
== 2011 (2) == * James W. Grenning (2011) **Test-driven development for embedded C**. Pragmatic Bookshelf. Raleigh, N.C., //ISBN:// [[http://buch.archinform.net/isbn/9781934356623.htm|9781934356623]], //GBV:// [[http://gso.gbv.de/DB=2.1/SET=4/TTL=1/GOO?TRM=54.52|54.52]]-13/00141, //RVK:// ST 153 [[http://pragprog.com/book/jgade/test-driven-development-for-embedded-c|web]] ++ bibtex|<code bibtex>@Book{grenning2011testdriven, author = {Grenning, James W.}, title = {Test-driven development for embedded C}, publisher = {Pragmatic Bookshelf}, year = {2011}, address = {Raleigh, N.C}, isbn = {9781934356623}, lang = {en}, sign = {13/00141}, gbv = {54.52}, rvk = {ST 153}, url = {http://pragprog.com/book/jgade/test-driven-development-for-embedded-c}, thumb = {http://imagery.pragprog.com/products/173/jgade.jpg} }</code>++ * Valentin Haenel (2011) **Git : Verteilte Versionsverwaltung für Code und Dokumente**. Open Source Press. München., //ISBN:// [[http://buch.archinform.net/isbn/9783941841420.htm|9783941841420]], //GBV:// [[http://gso.gbv.de/DB=2.1/SET=4/TTL=1/GOO?TRM=54.52|54.52]]-13/00144, //RVK:// ST 230 [[http://www.amazon.de/dp/3941841424|web]] ++ bibtex|<code bibtex>@Book{haenel2011git, author = {Haenel, Valentin}, title = {Git : Verteilte Versionsverwaltung für Code und Dokumente}, publisher = {Open Source Press}, year = {2011}, address = {München}, isbn = {9783941841420}, lang = {de}, sign = {13/00144}, gbv = {54.52}, rvk = {ST 230}, url = {http://www.amazon.de/dp/3941841424}, thumb = {http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/419sFGRp5LL.jpg} }</code>++ == 2010 (1) == * John Calcote (2010) **Autotools : a practitioner's guide to GNU Autoconf, Automake, and Libtool**. No Starch Press. San Francisco., //ISBN:// [[http://buch.archinform.net/isbn/9781593272067.htm|9781593272067]], //GBV:// [[http://gso.gbv.de/DB=2.1/SET=4/TTL=1/GOO?TRM=54.52|54.52]]-11/00007, //RVK:// ST 261 U61 [[http://nostarch.com/autotools.htm|web]] ++ bibtex|<code bibtex>@Book{calcote2010autotools, author = {Calcote, John}, title = {Autotools : a practitioner's guide to GNU Autoconf, Automake, and Libtool}, publisher = {No Starch Press}, year = {2010}, address = {San Francisco}, isbn = {9781593272067}, lang = {en}, sign = {11/00007}, gbv = {54.52}, rvk = {ST 261 U61}, url = {http://nostarch.com/autotools.htm}, thumb = {http://nostarch.com/sites/default/files/imagecache/product/autotools_big.png} }</code>++ == 2008 (1) == * Norman Matloff (2008) **The art of debugging with GDB, DDD, and Eclipse**. No Starch Press. San Francisco., //ISBN:// [[http://buch.archinform.net/isbn/9781593270025.htm|9781593270025]], //GBV:// [[http://gso.gbv.de/DB=2.1/SET=4/TTL=1/GOO?TRM=54.52|54.52]]-11/00006, //RVK:// ST 233 [[http://nostarch.com/debugging.htm|web]] ++ bibtex|<code bibtex>@Book{matloff2008taodwgdb, author = {Matloff, Norman}, title = {The art of debugging with GDB, DDD, and Eclipse}, publisher = {No Starch Press}, year = {2008}, address = {San Francisco}, isbn = {9781593270025}, lang = {en}, sign = {11/00006}, gbv = {54.52}, rvk = {ST 233}, url = {http://nostarch.com/debugging.htm}, thumb = {http://nostarch.com/sites/default/files/imagecache/product/debugging_big.jpg} }</code>++ == 2006 (2) == * Tilo Riemer (2006) **CrossVC : grafische Versionskontrolle mit CVS und Subversion**. Open Source Press. München., //ISBN:// [[http://buch.archinform.net/isbn/9783937514130.htm|9783937514130]], //GBV:// [[http://gso.gbv.de/DB=2.1/SET=4/TTL=1/GOO?TRM=54.52|54.52]]-11/00005, //RVK:// ST 230 [[http://www.crossvc.com/index.php?menu_id=8&lang=de|web]] ++ bibtex|<code bibtex>@Book{riemer2006crossvc, author = {Riemer, Tilo}, title = {CrossVC : grafische Versionskontrolle mit CVS und Subversion}, publisher = {Open Source Press}, year = {2006}, address = {München}, isbn = {9783937514130}, lang = {de}, sign = {11/00005}, gbv = {54.52}, rvk = {ST 230}, url = {http://www.crossvc.com/index.php?menu_id=8&lang=de}, thumb = {http://www.crossvc.com/pics/crossvc-book_mini.png} }</code>++
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