 author = {Valk, Laurens},
 title = {The LEGO Mindstorms NXT 2.0 discovery book : a beginner's guide to building and programming robots},
 publisher = {No Starch Press},
 year = {2010},
 address = {San Francisco},
 isbn = {9781593272111},
 lang = {en},
 sign = {11/00097},
 gbv = {50.25},
 rvk = {},
 url = {http://nostarch.com/nxtdiscovery.htm},
 thumb = {http://nostarch.com/sites/default/files/imagecache/product_full/nxtdiscovery.png}
 author = {Perdue, David},
 title = {The unofficial LEGO Mindstorms NXT 2.0 inventor's Guide},
 publisher = {No Starch O'Reilly distributor},
 year = {2009},
 address = {San Francisco, Calif. Farnham},
 isbn = {9781593272159},
 lang = {en},
 sign = {11/00098},
 gbv = {50.25},
 rvk = {},
 url = {http://nostarch.com/nxtig2.htm},
 thumb = {http://nostarch.com/sites/default/files/imagecache/product_full/nxtig2.png}
 author = {Hansen, John C.},
 title = {Lego Mindstorms NXT Power Programming : Robotics in C},
 publisher = {Variant Press},
 year = {2009},
 address = {Winnipeg},
 isbn = {9780973864977},
 lang = {en},
 sign = {11/00095},
 gbv = {50.25},
 rvk = {SU 500 H249},
 url = {},
 thumb = {http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51sFHaqmfUL._SS500_.jpg}
 author = {Braun, Daniel},
 title = {Roboter programmieren mit NXC für LEGO MINDSTORMS NXT : [von einfachen Befehlen über den Einsatz von Sensoren bis zur Kommunikation zwischen Robotern ; Abschlussprojekt: der Roboter als Spielekonsole für zwei Personen ; zahlreiche Praxisbeispiele und Übungsaufgaben mit vollständigen Lösungen]},
 publisher = {mitp},
 year = {2009},
 address = {Heidelberg u.a},
 isbn = {9783826650703},
 lang = {de},
 sign = {11/00094},
 gbv = {50.25},
 rvk = {SU 500 B825},
 url = {http://www.daniel-braun.com/bucher/roboter-programmieren-mit-nxc/},
 thumb = {http://www.mitp.de/images/130p/978-3-8266-9064-8.gif}
 author = {Rhodes, Fay},
 title = {The Lego Mindstorms NXT Zoo! : an unofficial, kid-friendly guide to building robotic animals with Lego Mindstorms NXT},
 publisher = {No Starch Press},
 year = {2008},
 address = {San Francisco},
 isbn = {9781593271701},
 lang = {en},
 sign = {11/00096},
 gbv = {50.25},
 rvk = {},
 url = {http://www.thenxtzoo.com/},
 thumb = {http://thenxtzoo.com/images/NXTzoo_front_cvr.gif}